Category: Remote Work

  • 10 Best Remote Jobs In Europe 2022 | Job Titles And Salaries

    10 Best Remote Jobs In Europe 2022 | Job Titles And Salaries

    Reading Time: 7 minutes Working remotely has many benefits. It allows you to set your own schedule, travel to different locations, and control your productivity. Many people choose this option because it helps them maintain a good work-life balance. Many studies show that remote workers are generally happier and more satisfied with their jobs. As…

  • 12 Best Universities For Software Engineering And Software Development 2022

    12 Best Universities For Software Engineering And Software Development 2022

    Reading Time: 7 minutes To make the best choice for your software education, you must look for a university or a college that offers the best programs in software engineering or software development. You can’t just type in ”software developer schools near me” in Google and expect to find the best. However, sometimes it can…

  • Telecommuting Explained – How To Find A Telecommuting Job?

    Telecommuting Explained – How To Find A Telecommuting Job?

    Reading Time: 5 minutes During Covid-19 telecommuting (also known as remote work and work-from-home) became a necessity rather than a choice. However, the pandemic was the ideal example that fully-remote work is not only possible but also brings additional benefits to both employees and businesses. Benefits that, one could say, far outweigh the downsides. Do…

  • 5 Ways To Increase Your Productivity When Working Remotely

    5 Ways To Increase Your Productivity When Working Remotely

    Reading Time: 4 minutes f you’re currently looking high and low for a new job, remote work is probably pretty high on your list. Because of the unexpected times we live in and the evolution of our tools and technologies, more and more businesses around the world are strengthening their remote policies or hybrid options…

  • Get Hired As A Remote Developer – How To Make The Best Video For Your RemoteMore Profile

    Get Hired As A Remote Developer – How To Make The Best Video For Your RemoteMore Profile

    Reading Time: 3 minutes When you register as a remote developer with RemoteMore, there’s an option to upload a video of yourself. Having the otherwise optional video presentation puts your profile in the top of the search results for the respective queries of the recruiters on our marketplace. So, why not upload such a helpful addition to…

  • How To Set Up Your Home Office While Working Remotely

    How To Set Up Your Home Office While Working Remotely

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Hannah reclines in her gaming chair, stretching her arms up. The neon lights of her newly built PC spread a soft glow around the gloomy room with closed curtains. It’s so hot. A drop of sweat starts its journey between her shoulder blades and down her spine. It’s hard to focus.…

  • 3 Questions To Ask Before Accepting A Job At A Hybrid Workplace

    3 Questions To Ask Before Accepting A Job At A Hybrid Workplace

    Reading Time: 3 minutes According to The Wall Street Journal, 83% of the workforce sees the hybrid model as the best job option. And what is the hybrid model? A very popular thing of lately. During the harshest times of the COVID-19 pandemic many companies transferred fully or partially to remote work. And it turned out that…

  • Hiring Remote Developers – Top 10 US Companies With A Remote Workforce

    Hiring Remote Developers – Top 10 US Companies With A Remote Workforce

    Reading Time: 3 minutes This study by Gallup discusses remote workforce working for American companies. A workforce that is far more engaged and has better results than the people without the option to work remotely. Furthermore, those who aren’t bound to the brick-and-mortar office are saving their company a significant portion of the employment costs. As…

  • Lockdown Is Not Remote Work

    Lockdown Is Not Remote Work

    Reading Time: 2 minutes If you stumbled on our blog, we’ll assume that you’re either a remote developer or passionate about working remotely. And why wouldn’t you be? It’s all about freedom, flexibility, and coworking spaces where you meet interesting people and weird IPA brands. It’s about work-life balance. It can even be about taking…

  • How To Prepare For A Remote Job Interview?

    How To Prepare For A Remote Job Interview?

    Reading Time: 4 minutes We have already discussed what questions to ask when interviewing remote job candidates. But what if you are on the receiving end? In the present reality, dictated to us by COVID-19, the number of companies hiring remote workers is on the rise as Forbes wrote. So, if you want to be a part of the…

  • Salary Calculator… For Remote Developers

    Salary Calculator… For Remote Developers

    Reading Time: 2 minutes In the past, we’ve already covered the question about what salary to ask for as a remote developer. The answer was: research, estimations, and wild guesses, where you do all of those. However, just like an ugly duckling, we’ve evolved into a swan. Leave your den, come to the park and feed…

  • Every Day Is Caturday (When Working Remotely)

    Every Day Is Caturday (When Working Remotely)

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Read this funny and inspiring story of Dragica, to find out if remote work is right for you. Would remote work be good for you? Like everything else, it can be the best thing ever, or it can be downright disappointing. It depends on what you do, how you do it…

  • The Secret To Balancing Work And Life

    The Secret To Balancing Work And Life

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Introduction What is this mythical beast called “work-life balance” and how does it fare in the remote workspace? The balance may be in being with your family more often, as many of the remotely working parents see it. It may be in not getting up at 4:00 in the morning because…

  • What Salary To Ask For As A Remote Developer?

    What Salary To Ask For As A Remote Developer?

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Intro When interviewing for a remote position, knowing what salary to expect is hard. When you go to the job interview, the employer usually has a number in mind regarding the salary for the open position. The employers derive this number by starting from the position they need to fill, and…

  • How To Be A Successful Remote Employee

    How To Be A Successful Remote Employee

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Remote work, as we have discussed previously, is on the rise with many work branches seeking to employ more workers on remote basis. As we have established in previous blog posts, there is undeniably a lot of advantages for employers in remote work. In the same way, employees also stand to…

  • How To Find A Remote Job?

    How To Find A Remote Job?

    Reading Time: 3 minutes This article goes through the pros and cons of the typical channels for finding a remote job. Job boards Job boards are probably the first thing that comes to your mind as a way to find a remote job. As more and more people are interested to find a remote job, the…

  • The 4 Soft Skills To Find A Remote Job

    The 4 Soft Skills To Find A Remote Job

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Especially in remote work – the hard skills will get you the interview, but the soft skills will win you the job. That’s why our last article looked at the hard skills needed for finding a remote job, while this article is fully focused on the soft skills. In remote work, there…

  • Are There Remote Jobs In Your Profession?

    Are There Remote Jobs In Your Profession?

    Reading Time: 2 minutes You are probably wondering – remote work is great but what job opportunities are out there? The short answer is: if you can find a traditional job that can be done without being in the office (most office positions), probably you can find a remote job. The detailed answer follows. Are…

  • 4 Reasons To Not Work Remotely

    4 Reasons To Not Work Remotely

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Last week, we looked into why you should work remotely (the main reasons are five). Although remote work is great for most people, there are also negative sides of working remotely. We want you to make the right choice for you so this week we discuss the reasons why you should not…

  • 5 Reasons To Start Working Remotely

    5 Reasons To Start Working Remotely

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Technology empowers us to start working remotely. Tell your grandparents that your co-workers are in a different city from you and they will be amazed. Tell them that you can choose to work from home, from a café, or from another country without this impacting your job in any way –…